Swept Away

It seems so fitting, and yet I didn’t even realize I had done it. And now that I realize it, I’m a bit sad.

As of yesterday, I’ve been out of college for two years. It seems fitting then, that yesterday I finally cut the last remaining tie I had to Auburn and gave up the 334 cellphone number I’ve had for six years in favor of a more functional 256 Huntsville number. Yeah, it’s just a number, but it’s still a little sad to me. Hell, I don’t even pay bills to the University anymore, most of my friends have gone on or graduated, and I’m going on two years in Huntsville, but that number was the last reminder of college and of not having responsibilities.

On the plus side, I did get a slick new Motorola Razr, though I feel like I’m Will Smith in Men In Black and I’m gonna break this thing. I hope it’s better than the LG it is replacing.

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On Changes
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On Changes
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